Instructions for your hugzly
Creating an account
- On your tablet or smartphone, go to your app store and search for “hugzly”. Download the hugzly app.
- At the welcome screen, scroll to the last line that asks ‘Need An Account?’ and tap ‘Sign Up’.
- Fill in the name, email address, and phone number you would like associated with the hugzly account.
- Create and confirm a password that is a minimum of 12 characters, includes a lowercase letter, uppercase letter, a number, and a special character.
- Use the verification code emailed to you to verify the account.
Registering a hugzly
Before you start, go the settings of your phone and turn on your Bluetooth.
- Select ‘My hugzly’ at the bottom right corner of the app. At the top of the screen, select ‘Add a hugzly™’
- Keep your smartphone or tablet and now grab your charged hugzly. Flip hugzly over. Open the Velcro area. Switch it to the ‘ON’ position. The heart light continuously and rapidly flashes white.
- In the hugzly app, select ‘Tap to Connect’.
- Manually enter the Wi-Fi name and password. We know this may be annoying, but there is a long-winded security reason we chose this. Trust us, it keeps your personal information safer. All capital letters, punctuation and spaces matter.
- Select ‘Tap to Connect’ It can take up to one minute to connect your hugzly to the Wi-Fi. The heart lights on hugzly stop flashing when the hugzly is connected to the Wi-Fi.
- Name your hugzly. Then, select ‘Add Name’
- Tap camera to add an optional profile photo for your hugzly. Choose a photo from your gallery or take a photo.
Select ‘Upload Photo’ after you choose the photo or select ‘Skip Photo Upload’. - The hugzly will appear on the ‘My hugzly tab’
Registration errors
There are a few common reasons an error can occur when you are registering your hugzly. If the solutions listed do not work, please contact technical support.
- You can only have one hugzly on at a time when you are registering a hugzly. Once the registrations is complete, you can have as many hugzly on as you want.
- If the thinking icon on the app keeps spinning and no popup comes up within 30 seconds, make sure your hugzly is turned on and charged.
- If you receive the error message that the hugzly is unable to connect to Wi-Fi after trying for 90 seconds, you need to verify your Wi-Fi name and password have been entered in correctly. Punctuation, spacing, uppercase, and lowercase matter.
- If after you go through the registration process you receive an error message that says ‘Attempt to re-register Kin’, your hugzly belongs to another account. If you know the previous owner, ask them to delete the hugzly from their account. If this is unexpected, contact the hugzly team immediately.
My hugzly is flashing white
The hugzly flashes white when it is connecting to Wi-Fi. It connects to Wi-Fi every 10 seconds to see if any hugz have been received.
If it keeps flashing white and does not connect to Wi-Fi for over a minute.
1. Turn the hugzly off and on.
2. Check the hugzly app to verify the hugzly is connected to the correct Wi-Fi.
My hugzly is flashing blue
Each hugzly has LK technology and it requires periodic updates. The flashing dark blue indicates that it is downloading the latest firmware. The updates will happen automatically when you use your hugzly. This can take 15 seconds to 3 minutes depending on how many updates it needs to make.
Send a Kinection Request
- Select the hugzly you want to send the Kinection request from.
- Tap ‘Kinections’ at the bottom of the screen
- Select ‘Add a Kinection’
- Enter your Kinections email address and name as well as your name. (Please note that one email address can have multiple hugzly on their account so specify which hugzly you would like to Kinect.)
- Assign a light color to your Kinection.
- Select ‘Next’ to send the Kinection request. (The Kinection has 72 hours to respond to the request.)
Accept a Kinection Request
- Select the hugzly you want to accept the Kinection request for.
- Tap ‘Kinections’ at the bottom of the screen
- Select ‘Pending Kinection’ and tap ‘Received’.
- Select the checkmark to accept a kinection or the ‘x’ to decline a request.
- Name the kinection and assign a light color.
- Upload a profile photo (optional).
Add Profile Photo
Add or change the profile photo for your hugzly or Kinections
- On the ‘My hugzly’ or ‘My Kinections’ tab, tap the settings icon for the hugzly you want to update.
- Tap ‘Update Photo’ on the line that says ‘Photo’.
- Select the camera icon
- Choose a photo from your gallery or open the camera and take a photo through the app. (Allow the app to access your photos and camera)
- Tap ‘Upload Photo’
Update Name of Kinection
- Tap the ‘Kinections’ tab
- Select the pencil icon on the Kinections you would like to update.
- Tap the arrow on the line that says name.
- Make any changes you would like to the name.
- Tap ‘Update’
Change Kinection Color
- Tap the ‘Kinections’ tab
- Select the pencil icon on the Kinections you would like to update.
- Tap the arrow on the line that says color.
- Select the color you would like your Kinection to be. (The colors that are faded out are already assigned to another Kinection.)
- Tap ‘Update’
Favorite Kinection
Make one Kinection your ‘Favorite Kinection’. The color of your favorite Kinection will always be the first Kinection color that glows on the heart light of your hugzly. The ideal favorite Kinection is the Kinection you send the most hugz to.
- Tap the ‘Kinections’ tab
- Select the pencil icon on the Kinections you would like to make your favorite.
- Tap the toggle on the line that says favorite Kinection.
- Tap ‘Update’
Delete Kinection Request
Delete a Kinection request you sent for a variety of reasons including the misspelling of an email address.
- Tap the ‘Kinections’ tab
- Select ‘Pending Kinections’.
- Tap ‘Sent’ to the Kinection requests you have sent.
- Make any changes you would like to the name.
- Tap the ‘X’ on the Kinection request.
- Tap ‘Yes’ to confirm you want to delete this request.
Delete a Kinection
- On the ‘Kinections’ tab, tap the pencil icon of the Kinection you would like to delete.
- Scroll down and tap the garbage can icon on the line that says ‘Delete this Kinection’.
- Select ‘Delete’ to confirm you want to delete this Kinection.
Send light hugz on a hugzly
Turn your hugzly on. Flip hugzly over. Open the Velcro area. Switch it to the ‘ON’ position. The heart light continuously and rapidly flashes white until it is connected to Wi-Fi.
- Press the right paw/wing of your hugzly with your left hand to cycle through the colors of your Kinections.
- Once you find the color of your Kinection, click the left paw once with your right hand to send the hugz.
- The heart light will glow the color of your Kinection three times to confirm the light and vibe hugz have been sent.
Receive light hugz on a hugzly
Make sure your hugzly is charged and turned on.
- Let your hugzly connect to Wi-Fi. The heart light stops blinking white when it is connected.
- Your hugzly will automatically receive any hugz that have been sent.
- You will feel the hugzly vibrate for 5 seconds. The heart light will glow the color of your Kinection 3 times. The hugzly will vibrate for 5 seconds.
You can immediately send light and vibe hugz back by clicking the left paw with your right hand while the hugzly is glowing. It will flash three times to confirm the hugz have been sent.
Send audio hugz on a hugzly
Turn your hugzly on. Flip hugzly over. Open the Velcro area. Switch it to the ‘ON’ position. The heart light continuously and rapidly flashes white until it is connected to Wi-Fi.
- Press the right paw/wing of your hugzly with your left hand to cycle through the colors of your Kinections.
- Once you find the color of your Kinection, click the left paw twice with your right hand.
- Start recording your audio hugz when the heart light rapidly flashes your Kinection’s color.
Audio hugz can be up to 30 seconds long. - When you are done recording, press the left paw once with your right hand.
- The heart light will hold solid color of your Kinection while it is sending the audio hugz.
- When the audio hugz have successfully sent, the heart light will glow your Kinection’s color 3 times.
Receive audio hugz on a hugzly
Make sure your hugzly is charged and turned on.
- Let your hugzly connect to Wi-Fi. The heart light stops blinking white when it is connected.
- Your hugzly will automatically receive any hugz that have been sent.
- You will feel the hugzly vibrate for 5 seconds. The heart light will glow the color of your Kinection 3 times.
- The heart light will hold your Kinection’s color while the audio hugz are being downloaded. They light goes off once it has downloaded.
- The audio hugz will play. The hugzly vibrates for 4 seconds.
You can immediately send audio hugz back by clicking the left paw with your right hand twice while the hugzly is glowing. Follow the instructions for sending audio hugz.
Send light hugz on the app
- Open the hugzly app.
- On the ‘Hugz’ tab, tap send hugz.
- Tap the green heart next to the Kinection you wish to send light hugz to.
- The hugz sent icon will play when your hugz have been sent.
On the hugz tab, you can see all of the hugz that have been sent and received. Outlined icons show hugz that are waiting to be seen. Solid icons show hugz that have been seen.
Send audio hugz on the app
- Open the hugzly app and under the ‘My hugzly’ tab, select the hugzly you wish to send hugz from.
- On the ‘Hugz’ tab, tap send hugz.
- Go to the Kinection you wish to send hugz to and tap the microphone icon by their name.
- On the new screen, tap the microphone to begin recording.
- If needed, use the icons to help make your audio hugz while recording. When you are finished recording, press ‘Done’.
- Press ‘Send audio hugz’.
- The hugz sent icon will play when your hugz have been sent.
On the hugz tab, you can see all of the hugz that have been sent and received. Outlined icons show hugz that are waiting to be seen. Solid icons show hugz that have been seen.
Receive hugz on the app
- You will receive a notification on your phone. (Make sure the settings on your phone allow the notifications.)
- Open the app and navigate to the ‘Hugz’ tab at the bottom of the app on the left side.
- Select ‘Received’ under ‘Your hugz’.
- Tap the outlined speaker icon next to the name of your Kinection to hear the audio hugz.
Tap the outlined heart icon to show that you have received the light hugz.
On the hugz tab, you can see all of the hugz that have been sent and received. Outlined icons show hugz that are waiting to be seen. Solid icons show hugz that have been seen. Tap a solid speaker icon to re-hear audio hugz.
How to replay hugz
To see and hear hugz again on the app:
- Open the app and navigate to the ‘Hugz’ tab at the bottom of the app on the left side.
- Select ‘Received’ under ‘Your hugz’.
- Review the list of light hugz and audio hugz you have received in the last 24 hours. Tap the solid speaker icon to re-hear audio hugz.
To see and hear hugz again on your hugzly:
- Turn on your hugzly and verify it connects to Wi-Fi.
- Double click the right paw with your left hand.
- All hugz received in the last 24 hours will replay.
Can’t send audio hugz to everyone
Why is the no speaker icon next to some of my Kinections? Why does my hugzly just make an error sound when I try to send audio hugz to my Kinection?
The first generation of the Light Kinections technology that powers hugzly only has light and vibe hugz. If your Kinection has a first generation hugzly than no microphone icon will show up on the app and the hugzly will just make an error sound and not allow you to send audio hugz. Send them light hugz instead!
Another reason you will see a lack of microphone on the app or hear the error sound in the hugzly is because audio hugz can not be sent from virtual hugzly to virtual hugzly. One of the Kinections needs to own a physical hugzly to send audio hugz.
Update Wi-Fi
Turn on your hugzly and grab your smartphone or tablet with the hugzly app.
- Select the ‘My hugzly’ tab at the bottom right of the app.
- Scroll to the hugzly you want to update the Wi-Fi on. Tap the settings icon (3 dots) next the name of the hugzly.
- Scroll down until you see ‘Wi-Fi Network’ and tap the arrow.
- On the new screen, put in your Wi-Fi or hotspot name and password. Please remember the upper case, lower case, punctuation, and spacing matters.
- When you are done manually entering the information, select ‘Tap to Connect’.
- The heart lights will stop flashing white when the hugzly has connected to the Wi-Fi successfully.
Set Sleep Time
Set a period of time in which the hugzly sleeps and does not check Wi-Fi for hugz.
- Select the ‘My hugzly’ tab on the bottom right of the app.
- Scroll to the hugzly you want to update the Wi-Fi on. Tap the settings icon (3 dots) next the name of the hugzly.
- Scroll down and tap the arrow on the line that says ‘Time Zone’. Select the time zone you are in.
- Tap the arrow on the line that says ‘Sleep Time’. Set the time by scrolling to the correct start time and wake up time.
- The moment hugzly wakes up it will connect to Wi-Fi and you will see and hear all of the hugz you received while hugzly was asleep.
Push Notifications
An important part of owning a hugzly is knowing when you receive hugz or Kinection requests. This requires you to allow push notifications from the hugzly app to your phone.
- Go to app setting in your phone and select manage push notifications. Give the hugzly app permission to send notifications.
- Open the hugzly app and select the ‘My hugzly’ tab on the bottom right of the app.
- Each hugzly can have different settings including push notifications. Tap the settings icon (3 dots) on the hugzly you wish to check your notifications on.
- Scroll down to the push notifications and toggle on or off to each push notification.
Battery Charge
- Open the hugzly app and select the ‘My hugzly’ tab at the bottom right of the app.
- Tap the hugzly you want to check on.
- On the top right of the app, you will see the battery level for that hugzly.
- You can charge the hugzly anytime by using the charging cord we provided or a USB-C. Tuen the hugzly upside down and open the velcro at the seam to get the charging port out.
To charge your hugzly use any power adapter with an output of 5V or less. Do not use an output of 9V or more.
Account Settings
- Each hugzly account is associated with one email address and can have multiple hugzly on the account.
- On the top right of the app, select the settings icon (the 3 horizontal lines) to see the settings for the entire account, not for one hugzly.
- The name, email address, and phone number associated with the account can not be changed. The light Kinections Technology that powers hugzly uses this information in order to communicate with the other hugzly and hugzly app. If you need to change the name, email of phone number, then delete the account and create a new one. You will also have to re-establish all of your Kinections.
- Tap the arrow on the line that says ‘Reset Password’ to update your password. You will tap ‘Yes’. You will be logged out of the account in order to go through this process.
- Tap the arrow on the line that says ‘Logout’ to log out of the account.
Delete a hugzly
- Open the hugzly app and tap the ‘My hugzly’ tab at the bottom right corner for the app.
- Select the settings icon by the name of the hugzly you would like to delete.
- Scroll down to ‘Delete this hugzly’ and tap the garbage can icon.
- On the pop-up, tap ‘Delete; to confirm you want to delete your hugzly.